Hiking, Ice Climbing, Rock Climbing and Scaling Gear
SportsGearOutdoors aspires to become more than just an online retailer and service provider (though we DO want to do those things for sure). We seek to become a one-stop shop AND resource for outdoors, athletics, activities, recreation, fitness and adventure enthusiasts all over the world. In this week's post, we will take a look at the various forms of climbing and scaling, including hiking.
Great Destinations
The world is full of beautiful landscape that begs to be traversed by human beings thirsty for a adventurous challenge. It's all about the passion for exploration, the thrill of danger, pushing the body to its natural limits and the triumph of completing a new milestone trek. Across North America there are peaks and valleys, but the same is true across the planet. According to Trip Advisor, some great places include Acadia National Park, Glacier National Park, Glacier National Park, Yosemite National Park, Yosemite National Park, Big Sur, Great Smoky Mountains, Zion National Park, Blue Ridge and several others are at top of this compiled list of destinations. The Wilderness Society offers 20 outstanding locations as well. National Geographic offers a more global mix in its recommendation for hiking trails, which include destinations in New Zealand, Europe, USA, Nepal, Australia and others.
Gear for Hiking, Climbing and Scaling
We continue on our own journey here at SportsGearOutdoors by finding a variety of equipment and gear for hikers and climbers, including camping gear, food items, survival/outdoors tools, books, climbing gear, boots/shoes, gloves, first aid kits and more. We are also looking to expand our network of relationships with quality and value-driven vendors and product manufacturers, as well as host travel agencies, lodging/destination/activity partners across the globe. Most importantly, we want you all to help us by recommending products, brands, vendors, service providers, products/services, website tools, etc. to help us grow the site and community here at SportsGearOutdoors.
Planning Your Adventure
After you get the gear you need for your trip and plotted out a destination, you want to begin plotting your course and setting your trip itinerary in an organized fashion. Will you need a guide? An interpreter? What about food rations? Where will you camp? Are there legal or regulatory concerns with anything in the country/region you are going? Will you be hunting or fishing? What about the weather? Are you prepared? These are just some of the questions you need to prepare to answer to plan your trip successfully.